This course will familiarize you with the most powerful tool for designing and developing Web based applications i.e Visual Studio.NET. It's the most powerful tool for developing applications at a RAPID speed. The simplicity of learning and applying the concepts is its most powerful asset.
A balanced blend of lectures and programming exercises provides in-depth understanding as well as hands-on experience. A powerful learning cycle process is repeatedly used, first to integrate basic concepts, and then to reuse those concepts to master more advanced topics.
Every main feature of ASP.NET is the object of detailed programming exercises. Ample source-code examples are provided and many source-code walkthroughs are conducted. By the end of the course, participants should feel comfortable building ASP.NET applications.
The objectives of this course are:
To learn the VB.NET language syntax.
To learn the Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
To use ADO.NET Objects to develop database applications.
To understand the importance of Component Based Developments.
To develop and deploy and configure ASP.NET Web Applications.
To proivde you with in-depth concepts of the ASP.NET, which will also help you to pass the MCP Certification in ASP.NET
At the end of the course participants would be provided with a concept implementing project work.
This course is designed to meet the needs of those who want to be professional Web developers using either VB.NET as programming language. The course will also guide you for Microsoft Certification Exam in ASP.NET.
Students should be familiar with basic programming techniques and Operating system features.
Sandeep Soni (Microsoft Certified Professional for ASP.NET)
Couse Outline
MS.NET Framework
Problems with DNA Architecture
The .NET Framework - an Overview
Architecture of .NET Framework
The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Common Type System (CTS)
Types of JIT's
.NET Memory Management
What's .NET Class Framework
.NET Assemblies and Modules
Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming
Object and Class Definition
Understanding Identity, State, and Behavior
Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class
Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Understanding Data Types and Variables
Common Type System
Naming Variables
Using Data Types
Converting Data Types
Value type and Reference type variables
Developing Console Application
Sub Main
Command Line Parameters
Operators and Statements
Types of Operators
Types of Statements
Arrays, Collections and String
Declaring and Using Arrays
Overview of Collection classes
Dictionary and Lists
Stack and Queue
String Handling
Working with Classes and Objects
Adding Variables and Methods
Properties and Indexers
Constructors and Destructors
Memory Management and Garbage Collection
Shared Members
Method Overloading
Attributes and their Usage
Inheritance, Interface and Polymorphism
Deriving classes
Calling base class constructor
Overriding Methods
Using overridable, overrides and shadows keywords
Non-Inheritable Clases.
Abstract Class
Interface Inheritance
Namespace and Access Modifiers
Delegates and Events
Exception Handling
Handling Exceptions using try and catch
Raising Exceptions using throw
Pre-defined Exception classes
Custom Exception classes
Data Streams and Files
Byte Streams
Binary Streams
Readers and Writers.
Console and File I/O
Working with Components
Creating a Simple .NET Framework Component
Singing Assemblies with Strong Names
Deploying .NET Assemblies in Global Assembly Cache
Creating a .NET Framework client application to use a Component
Using a COM Component in .NET Framework application
Using a .NET Assembly in COM based application
Data Access using ADO.NET
Comparison between ADO and ADO.NET
ADO.NET Concepts and Overview
Managed Providers
ADO.NET Classes
Replacing Recordsets with Datasets?
Structure of a DataSet
Creating a DataSet From a Database.
Adding, Deleting and Modifying records in a Dataset
Data Tables, Data Columns and DataRows
Constraints and DataRelations
Using DataViews
eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
Introduction to XML
Why XML?
Where is XML Used
XML Design Principles.
Structure of a Basic XML Document
XML Declarations
Tags & Elements
Entities & Entity References
Document Type Definition (DTD)
Validation of XML File
Element Declaration
Attribute Declaration
Entity and Notaion Declaration
XML Namespace
Purpose of Namespace
Declaring Namespace
Default Declaration
Explicit Declaration
XML Schema
How are Schemas better than DTD
Builtin Data types
Custom Data types
Schema Vocabulary and elements
Content Model
Element and Attribute Declaration
Element Inheritance
Document Object Model (DOM)
DOM Interfaces
Nodes and Objects
Applying DOM using Javascript and VB.NET
Cascading Style Sheet
CSS Properties Values
BOX Properties
Text and Font Properties
Color and Background Properties
Borders and List Properties
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language)
XSLT & XPath
XSL Template
XSL Pattern
Transformation to HTML Document
Transformation to XML Document
ASP Architecture
ASP Objects
Request and Response Structure
Forms and Querystring
ASP.NET Architecture.
New Features over ASP
Web Forms
Comparison with HTML Form
Page Processing States
Event Model
View State Management
Using Web Controls
HTML Server Controls
ASP.NET Sever Controls
Validation Controls
Web User Controls
Loading Controls Dynamically
Web Custom Controls
Developing Composite Controls
ASP.NET State Management
ViewState Object
Session Management
Application State
ASP Intrinsic Objects
Request and Response
Session Objects
Application Objects
Server and Context
Data Access Controls
Data Binding Server Controls
Binding to Simple Properties and Collections
Data Grid
Data List and Repeater
ASP.NET Web Application
Creating Virtual Directories
Page Life Cycle
Managing Application Events
HttpApplication Instance
Configuration Overview
Machine.Config and Web.Config
Inheritance of Configuration Settings
Configuration File Format
Retrieving Configuration Date
Trace Functionality
Overview of Tracing
Trace Information
Page-Level Trace
Application-Level Trace
Page Output Caching
Page Fragmet Caching
Data Caching
Expiration Policies
Authentication & Authorization
Configuring in web.config file and IIS
Windows Based Authentication
Form Based Authentication
Authorizing Users and Roles
Debugging and Tracing
Debug and Release Compilation
Debug and Trace Objects
Tracing Listeners
Tracing Switches
Packaging and Deployment
Types of Deployment Modules
Creation of Strong Named Assemblies
Registering with Global Assembly Cache
Working with a Setup Project
Working with a Merge Module Project
Globalization and Localization
Request and Response Encoding
Right to Left Mirroring
Culture specific formatting
Localizing a Web Project
Creating a Resource fle
Creating a Satellite Assembly
Instantiate and Invoke COM Objects
Using COM+ Services
Calling Native functions
Developing Transactional Aplications
Configuring SMTP Server
Sending and Receiving e-mails
Web Services
Architecture and Advantage.
SOAP Significance.
Building Services
Hosting Services
Discovering and Using Web Services (vsdisco and disco files)
Using WSDL to Build Proxy for clients
Working with SOAP Headers
Asynchronous access to WebService
Setting up a 3-Tier Application
Securing Web Services