Conceptual involves business sponsors, users, managers, and constituencies.
The goal of conceptual design is to understand what the users do and to identify
business needs. Much of conceptual design is an analysis activity that leads to
determining which processes and activities will go into the new system, how the
needs of those processes and activities will be met, and what the user's
experience will be of those activities.
Logical design activities are integrated directly with the resulting scenarios
from conceptual design, and provide the basis for Physical design. Logical
design describes the organization of the elements that make up the solution
and how they interact. You assemble the elements for optimum efficiency,
performance, and reuse.
Physical design describes a solution in a way that allows developers to construct the solution. Physical design communicates the necessary details of
the solution, including organization, structure, technology, and relationships
between elements that you will use to create the solution.