The goal of this document is to allow someone with a little knowledge of C write very simple
programs in Visual Basic. By no means does it tell you all you need to know to be a good Visual
Basic programmer, but I hope it gives you a feel for the language. After reading this, if you want
to write programs with lots of bells and whistles, you can buy a Visual Basic book and teach
yourself the fancy stuff.
Making a new Project
When you start up Visual Basic it should bring up the new project window (see below). (If it
doesn’t display the window when you start it up, select “New Project” from the file menu.)
• Click on Standard EXE and say OPEN
Creating a window
In Visual Basic, before you write any code, you have to design your form. Unlike in C, you can’t
do anything in Visual Basic without a form. You can design fancy forms, but we’re just going to
do a very simple one that will allow you to get input from the user and display output.
When your new project opens, you get a blank form labeled Form 1. This form is actually the
window that your program will run in. You can see what it looks like running by pressing the
“play” button (looks like a triangle) at the top of the page. Pressing the “stop” button (the square)
stops the program.
Most people like their programs to have a special name at the top, instead of just form 1.
• Go to the properties menu on the right side of the Visual basic window. It looks like the picture
• Highlight the words “Form1” under caption and change it to “My Way Cool Program”
• Hit play to look at your cool form, and then hit stop.
Adding a Button
Let’s give your user something to click
• On the toolbox (picture at right) double click on the button (right
below the box labelled “ab|”
• Drag the butoon down a bit on your form so it’s on the lower third of
the form.
• Go to the properties box. Change the Caption of your button to
Push Me
• Also in the properties box, change the (name) of your button from
Command1 to
• Your form should now look like the picture below.
• Run your program. You will now have a button you can click (but
that doesn’t do anything!)
Writing “Hello, World” (or, Adding a picture box)
Now let’s start doing a little programming. We’re going to write a program that prints “Hello,
World” on the screen when you press the button.
• On the toolbox (picture at right) double click on the desert picture to get a picture box.
• Slide it down and stretch it out a bit so that your picture looks like the one below
• Go to the properties box. Change the name of your picture box (at the top, under (Name) )
from Picture1 to
Here’s how we want your program to work: When the user pushes the button, we want to print
something on the picture window. Do this as follows:
• Double click on your button (that says “push me”) to tell visual basic you want to program
what happens when the user clicks the button.
• Write the following program:
Private Sub my_button_Click()
my_output.Print "Hello, World"
End Sub
This program basically says “when my button gets clicked, print “Hello, World” on the picture
box called my_output. Close the program window, and run your program.
If you want, add another line right after the first print line that says
my_output.Print "How are you?"
and run your program again.
Adding a text box
It’s convenient to give your user a place to put information.
• On the toolbox (picture at right), double click on the “text box” button (labelled “ab|”)
• Go to the “Text” property, and erase the value on the right.
• Go to the (Name) of your textbox, and change it to
• Move the objects around so that your form looks like the picture below.
• Run your program. Now you can type whatever you want in the text box. It doesn’t do anything,
but it’s fun to type.
Adding A label
Labels help your user know that they are expected to enter data.
• Click once on the capital letter A and drag it on your form to add a label. (You could also double
click like before)
• Change the caption (on properties) of your label to:
• Click on the font property and then click on the 3 dots and change it to Times New Roman 12
point bold
• Use the drop down menu (triangle) on the properties to switch to the my_input textbox (or
double click on the text box), and change the text to
(i.e. the number zero)
• Modify your form so it looks like the picture below
Some Programming Information
At this point you’re almost ready to write some more complex visual Basic Programs. Here’s
some basic information you need to know. Here are some common variable declarations in C and
the corresponding declarations in VB. Notice that VB does not use semicolons in the declarations.
Assigning values to variables in VB is similar to C. Note, there are no semicolons in VB
assignment statements.
Getting input from the user is a little complicated in VB, because you have to know where they
are putting it. On our form, the user will be typing in the my_input window. Here’s how you do it.
NOTE: If you want to input more than one thing from the user, you need to create more input
Declaring Variables
Declaration in C Declaration in Visual Basic
int my_favorite_num; Dim my_favorite_num as Integer
float weight; Dim weight as Single
float height; Dim height as Single
Some Assignment Statements
Assignment in C Assignment in Visual Basic
my_favorite_num = 5; my_favorite_num = 5
weight = 6.2; weight = 6.2
height = weight; height = weight
weight = weight + 2; weight = weight + 2
Getting input from the user
Input in C from stdin Input in the my_input text box in VB
my_favorite_num = Val(my_input.Text)
height = Val(my_input.Text)
Comments in C Comments in VB
/* This is a comment in C
’Comments in VB Start with a quote
’and go to the end of the line.
’Multi-line comments need a quote
’at the start of each line
A more complex program: converting feet to inches
Double click on the button again to bring up the code window. Edit the code so it looks like this:
Private Sub my_button_Click()
'Step 1: Declare two variables
Dim how_many_feet As Single
Dim computed_inches As Single
'Step 2: Get your input
how_many_feet = Val(my_input.Text)
'Step 3: Convert from feet to inches
computed_inches = how_many_feet * 12
'Step 4: Clear the picture window
'Step 5: Print your answer in the picture window
' Note that semicolons allow you to print things on
' the same line (i.e. they stop a \n)
my_output.Print how_many_feet;
my_output.Print " feet is the same as ";
my_output.Print computed_inches;
my_output.Print " inches!"
End Sub
More Programming Information
Conditionals in C and VB
Conditionals in C Conditionals in VB
if (expression)
more code;
even more code;
If expression Then
more code
even more code
End If
if (expression)
more code;
some more code;
and a bit more;
If expression Then
more code
some more code
and a bit more
End If
Comparison Operators
> >
>= >=
< <
<= <=
!= <>
= = =
Another program to try:
Private Sub my_button_Click()
'Step 1: Declare two variables
Dim how_many_feet As Single
Dim computed_inches As Single
'Step 2: Get your input
how_many_feet = Val(my_input.Text)
'Step 3: Clear the output window
'Step 4: If the input is negative, complain
' Otherwise do the computation
If how_many_feet <>
my_output.Print "Please enter a positive number for feet!!!"
computed_inches = how_many_feet * 12
my_output.Print how_many_feet;
my_output.Print " feet is the same as ";
my_output.Print computed_inches;
my_output.Print " inches!"
End If
End Sub
Thanks to Schneider’s “An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0” for some
introductory ideas.
Loops in C and VB
while (expression)
more code;
Do While
more code
for (i=5; i<=23; i++)
more code;
For i = 5 to 23
more code
Next i
for (i=10; i<=30; i=i+5)
more code;
For i = 10 to 30 Step 5
more code
Next i